We Supers aren’t affected by human spirits, but the Ellandrians love their alcohol and have created many potent beverages that get the job done.
Here are a few:
Dragon’s Breath– “A man’s drink. Burns like the devil going down, but keeps one warm on a cold winter’s night, or any night away from one’s mate.”
Firestorm Cider– a sweet, spicy drink brewed by Clann Tenne
Griffin Gin– a gin for the stout of heart! A specialty of Clann Ek Lesguwan
Narfbog Grog– a dark, rum-like drink enjoyed by Clann Làrr, rumored to contain narfbogs, but no one is really sure. It does sport a bacony taste…
Maiden’s Folly– this fruity, sweet, potent beverage has led to many an unintended coupling with a compatible, but unsuspecting partner…
Bellyacher’s Brew– a tart, strong malt liquor that will quiet the noisiest shrews and braggarts- by knocking them or their listeners out cold
Water Shifter’s Woe-a beer for tears. Some people cry into it, some cry because of it. No one’s quite sure what’s in it, much like Dez’s teas. Not for the faint of heart. Best to stay close to the water closet for this one.
Clava– a syrupy sweet alcoholic drink made for special occasions, similar to Fireball