Pegasus– winged horses, used for travel and transport, often seen pulling of sky carts and sky carriages
Griffins– winged creatures with the body and tail of a lion and the head and talons of a large bird or prey. Wild griffins, often silver in color, dwell in the mountains. Their larger, golden cousins have been domesticated by the House of Pegasus for mail delivery. Riders form mental bonds with them.
Narfbog– a hideously fat, hairy, ugly creature that tastes like bacon; comparable to oversized, monstrous, wild boars
Kittara– a large, cat-like animal with the bushy tail of a squirrel. Loyal and smart, can be trained. Often paired with its owner, both from a young age
Skairp-a giant scorpion-like beast that lives in the desert and tastes like lobster
Nimhir– serpent
Tearc-speckled creature
Daodhar– beast, wicked person
Skugga Draig– shadow dragons
Turreken-an emu-like creature, three times the size of a turkey. Its feathers are used for bedding and pillows, its eggs are widely enjoyed across Ellandria. The fire shifters prefer spiced turreken eggs, which are fermented and heavily seasoned (very spicy!) with rich, custard-like centers.
Grazhak– powerful, ox-like creatures that looked like they’d been crossbred with yaks. Their dark fur is long and shaggy.