


Here are a few of the foods mentioned in the books so far: 

Amari– an all-purpose healing fruit with incredible powers
Klavach-a muddy, bitter, highly stimulating drink reminiscent of Turkish coffee, but far stronger. Made of herbs, spices, and roasted groundnuts from the Black Mountains. Clann Gael drinks it by the boatload.
Kettesh– flatbread with roasted meat, vegetables, grains and spiced sauces, similar to gyros, pitas, or soft tacos
Skallig– a sweet, refreshing sparkling drink, similar to soda
Cárnach– Ellandrian porridge made from grains and honey
Spiced Turreken Eggs– These come from turreken, an emu-like creature with enormous eggs. They are fermented and heavily seasoned (very spicy!) with rich, custard-like centers. Shane loves them. Personally, I think they smell to the high heavens!