Days, Months, & Seasons



Days of the Week: 
Monday: Eosna, “of the moon Eos” (Fire)
Tuesday: Nyxna, “of the moon Nyx” (Ice)
Wednesday: Gaedrana, “of the moon Gaedra” (Water)
Thursday: Erisna, “of the moon Eris” (Stone)
Friday: Eefra, “of the air” (Wind)
Saturday: Llyradar, “day of the false sun”
Sunday: Húadar, “day of the true sun”

January: Einarr, “the first days”
February: Feebra, “next”
March: Mareth, “breath, wind”, a windy month
April: Gabrèan, “the waking of life”
May: Bèidwyn, “the bursting forth”
June: Meithryn, “the young days”
July: Serenarr, “the beautiful days”
August: Húnasir (hoon-ah-seer), “When the true sun, Hú is highest”
September: Meidref, “harvest time”
October: Deiredar, “soon to rest,” the winding down of all things
November: Faeranorr, “the resting time”
December: Llyrem, “without Llyr,” when the false sun, Llyr, disappears, bringing darker and colder days

Spring: Breith, “the birthing time”
Summer: Miramas, “the joining time” (many weddings, bondings)
Fall: Eidreth, “the reaping time
Winter: Tàvmar, “the resting time”, (no Llyr, days are darker and colder)