Terms and Titles


Mòrda– your highness
Urramach– your reverence; honorable one
Ard Ree- high king
Ree Damna
– the high king’s heir
Ardan– prince
Ardana– princess
Kyennard– chieftain, leader
Kyenna– female chieftain, leader
Shaeladar – seer, prophetess
Morach– Mayor. Each glen and vale has one.
Brannarch– an overlord of a province.
Taerna– underlords, lower officials under a brannarch or a morach
Àma– Mom, mother, momma
Àpa- Dad, father, poppa
Mára– Aunt
Mórálach– “the Great” or “The Proud.” Hugh is called Hubert Mórálach- Hubert the Great, or the Great Hubert
Moh gràid– my dear