Not all chickens are created equal...
Stuffed in a grab bag and transported to a farm via the US Postal Service, Reginald discovers he's far more than a mail order rooster. His fondness for reading, adventure, humans and hens attract attention- both wanted and unwanted. Bullies, babies, predators and paramours are just a few of the things he has to navigate in this zany, coming of age story.

This is Book 1 in the Cocky Doodle Doo series, with plenty of adventures to come!

Note: While most of the story is family friendly, this book contains "adult chicken situations".

Cover Artists:
Reviews:Marilyn wrote:

Light and light hearted!

Absolutely fun read. I laughed out loud in places (garnering strange looks because I was in the doctor's waiting room at the time). Cute little rooster happy to share "moments" with his ladies and with us. I look forward to reading more of his stories! Very highly recommended.

Candice wrote:

A day in the life of chickens...
This fun and quick listen takes you into the life and times of a rooster and his farm mates. You will learn about their romances, disagreements, as well as shenanigans they get into. It was very entertaining to hear how they view us humans, other animals and how they connected to form relationships. If you have chickens, or not, it is a great listen! I look forward to hearing the continuation of the story!

Sara wrote:

I was expecting maybe an allegory between chicken life and people life and didn't get that vibe here at all. Instead, we hear from Reginald the Chicken about his birth and coming of age. He has obstacles to overcome and he does that with the help of all the farm animals. He has a close connection with a daughter on the farm and there is some correlation between her obstacles and Reginald's obstacles. A fun story about life with the chickens on a family farm told through the eyes of a very educated and suave chicken. Looking forward to listening to more of the doings on the farm.