Love & Family

Love & Family They say love makes the world go round, and it certainly does on Ellandria, where we are all tied together through mating and family bonds. We have many terms of love and endearment on our home planet. And many romantic places, including Miramoor...

Miscellaneous Terms

Miscellaneous Terms     Things that don’t fit elsewhere yet: Tennelasair- the Eternal Flame, a shard of the sun that the fire god, Rynne, gifted to his secret bride, the moon goddess, Nyx, as a symbol of his everlasting love.The Gaelòran – “The...


Objects     Items mentioned in the various books:  Naz clach- binding stone, dampens powersDinaz clach-unbinding stone, magnifies powersMionach- the toughest metal found on Ellandria, with properties similar to titaniumCladdoch- a gathering room found in a...