Dec 30, 2022 | News, Newsletter
We Hope Your New Year is SUPER! Happy New Year, Friends! Hugh here. I hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas and managed to stay warm, or cool, depending on where you are. The holidays are a bit different on our home planet, but we still gathered with our...
Oct 25, 2022 | News, Newsletter
Spooky Reads, Amazon Preorder Woes Dear friends, Hugh here. I hope this newsletter finds you well. The weather is growing colder in the Northern hemisphere, a perfect time to grab a good book. Or, if your down under, perhaps a beach read! Some News About...
Sep 17, 2022 | News, Newsletter
In Honor of Queen Elizabeth II Hello friends, Hugh here, dashing off a quick message. I was deeply saddened to hear of Queen Elizabeth II’s passing recently. It truly is the end of an era! If you’ve read our books, you’ll know that I hail from...
Aug 23, 2022 | News, Newsletter
A Star Crossed Sneak Peek Hello my friends, how are you? Hugh here. I’m currently enjoying the “Kat” Days of Summer on Ellandria (which are pleasant and mild and full of a certain beautiful bounty hunter) while the next book, Star...
Jun 30, 2022 | News, Newsletter
Home 9 Category: News Here’s to a Super Summer Hello my friends, how are you? Our author has been under the weather, literally, for a bit, which is why you haven’t heard from us. But she’s doing better and we hope this newsletter finds...
Apr 19, 2022 | News, Newsletter
Home 9 Category: News April Showers Bring May Stars Hello friends, Sadly, I had a nice, long, lovely letter written to all of you and lost the entire thing to the blasted ghost in the machine. Too bad Jared is still in the healing sleep. I could really use...