Times of Night


First Moon, when Eos, the fire moon, dominates the sky

Second Moon, Gaedra, casts her blue light on the landscape

The night is divided into quarters by the brightness of Ellandria’s four moons:

Èzga Akad (EHZ-ga AH-kahd) – First Moon, when Eos, the fire moon, dominates the sky with its orange light, associated with the House of Fire
Èzga Ada (EHZ-ga AH-dah) – Second Moon, when Gaedra, the water moon, bathes the landscape in its blue hues, associated with the House of Water
Èzga Tria (EHZ-ga TREE-ah) – Third Moon, when Nyx the ice moon, glows a faint gray, associated with the House of Wind
Èzga K’ethir (EHZ-ga KEH-theer) – Fourth Moon, when Eris, the moon of stone dominates the sky with its silvery light. Associated with the House of Stone. We now know Eris is a tropical moon, not the arid place of stone singer myths and legends.