Times of Night
The night is divided into quarters by the brightness of Ellandria’s four moons:
Èzga Akad (EHZ-ga AH-kahd) – First Moon, when Eos, the fire moon, dominates the sky with its orange light, associated with the House of Fire
Èzga Ada (EHZ-ga AH-dah) – Second Moon, when Gaedra, the water moon, bathes the landscape in its blue hues, associated with the House of Water
Èzga Tria (EHZ-ga TREE-ah) – Third Moon, when Nyx the ice moon, glows a faint gray, associated with the House of Wind
Èzga K’ethir (EHZ-ga KEH-theer) – Fourth Moon, when Eris, the moon of stone dominates the sky with its silvery light. Associated with the House of Stone. We now know Eris is a tropical moon, not the arid place of stone singer myths and legends.