Love & Family
They say love makes the world go round, and it certainly does on Ellandria, where we are all tied together through mating and family bonds. We have many terms of love and endearment on our home planet. And many romantic places, including Miramoor (the honeymoon capital of Ellandria.)
Here are a few Ellandrian terms:
Courtship and Mating:
Muiras (MUR-ahs) mate, “heartbound one.”
Tennelasair (TEHN-luh-sayr): the Eternal Flame (explain)
Family Ties:
Àpa (AH-pah) Dad, father, poppa
Lílun (LEE-lun) “little loves” (children)
Luláin (LOO-layn) “little lullaby” (children)
Muirínnín (MUR-een-neen) “little hearts” (children)
Màra (MAH-rah) Aunt
Màrach (MAH-rakh) Uncle
Drùin (DROON) cousin, kin
Fun Facts:
Although there is no chocolate in Ellandria (much to Kat’s dismay), love here on Ellandria is quite an affair. We have this wonderful tradition called the ‘Whispering Winds’, where lovers whisper sweet nothings into the breeze, and our weather shifters carry these messages to their beloveds. The entire kingdom is filled with soft whispers, a gentle hum of love.
Another one is the ‘Glowing Embrace’, where our light manipulators (including yours truly) create dazzling displays of affection in the night sky. It’s like a personal fireworks show for your sweetheart.

Even my kittara, Cleo, got in on the fun. The other day, she snuck into the kitchen and devoured an entire batch of heart-shaped cookies meant for our Super Valentine’s Day feast. The chef was not amused. But Cleo just looked up at him with those innocent eyes, and he couldn’t stay mad for long. And if you’re ever in Miramoor, be sure to stop by the local bakery for some of their famous heart-shaped pastries. Just keep an eye on your kittaras!