Name: Katherine Carter
Nicknames: Prefers to be called “Kat”. Also known as the “Chicago Kitty Cop” (by the media) and “Black Kat” (origin unknown)
Age: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unknown, often mistaken for being Hispanic, Asian or Native American
Status: Single with cats. Sometimes seen in the company of Police Sergeant Antonio Valdez.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Height: 5′ 0″
Weight: 100 pounds
Family: adopted
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Occupation: Bounty Hunter, formerly a police officer with the Chicago Police Department
Favorite Saying: “Like a ninja, baby!”
- Unusually strong for her size
- Often breaks rules- long record of trouble at CPD
- Often attracts unwanted attention
- Good at tracking criminals and fugitives
- Snarky sense of humor
- Obsessed with cats
Summary: Subject is a small female with unusual strength and agility. Ethnicity and birth parents unknown. Found on the streets of Chicago with another child of close age and similar features. Both spoke an unknown language that matches other subjects in the database. Past occupations have included competitive gymnastics, a short career in the circus, and a long run as a cop. Her bizarre work ethics have been both rewarded and punished by the Chicago Police Department, as her policing efforts have often bordered on the side of vigilantism The City of Chicago rewarded her performance in the bust of a local Asian soup house known to be serving up felines. She continues to be a crusader for her favorite animal and is the proud owner of five cats. Currently employed as a bounty hunter for a covert government agency under the guise of the U.S. Marshalls.
(Secret: She’s a Sleeper, a Super who doesn’t know what she is, until Black Kat II: God Save the Queen.)